Elderberry Syrup Kit
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This kit contains ingredients for you to make elderberry syrup in your own crock pot in a one quart canning jar with lid. Included are elderberries, echinacea, rose hips, fenugreek, a straining cloth and detailed instructions. You will also need honey or glycerin, raw apple cider vinegar, and distilled water. It is easy and rewarding. What a savings from buying pre-made elderberry syrup costing around $19.00 for an 8 ounce bottle. This package will produce more than two 8 ounce bottles! Elderberries have historically been used for supporting the body for generations. Fenugreek has traditionally been known as the lung herb. Echinacea gives immune support, and rose hips are what the British put in their tea to boost their vitamin C. This is what our family reaches for when we feel that little something coming on or when its already here!
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